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Intelligent Information Systems Lab., Korea University

Course Information

Teaching Assistant(s)

  • Name: Hwapyeong Baek(백화평)

  • Department: Computer and Information Science

  • E-mail:

  • Office: 7-327

  • Tel.: 010-9024-8536


  • Textbook + PPT lecture notes provided by the instructor

Lecture Notes

  1. [08.31-09.06] Introduction to AI AI_1.ppt   AI_2.ppt

  2. [09.07-09.13] LISP AI_3.ppt
  3. [09.14-09.20] LISP AI_4.ppt
  4. [09.21-09.27] Production Systems AI_5.ppt
  5. [09.28-10.04] Production Systems AI_6.ppt
  6. [10.05-10.11] Search AI_7.ppt
  7. [10.12-10.18] Search AI_8.ppt
  8. [10.19-10.25] Review and Exam
  9. [10.26-11.01] Knowledge Representation AI_9.ppt

  10. [11.02-11.08] Knowledge Representation AI_10.ppt
  11. [11.09-11.15] Logic Programming AI_11.ppt
  12. [11.16-11.22] Logic Programming AI_12.ppt
  13. [11.23-11.29] Machine Learning AI_13.ppt

  14. [11.30-12.06] Machine Learning (ANN) AI_14.ppt
  15. [12.07-12.13] Decision Tree AI_15.ppt
  16. [12.14-12.20] Review and Exam
  17. GA GA.pdf
  18. PCA PCA.pdf
  19. ANN ANN.pdf


  • 과제물 제출 기한 엄수
    1. lisp-hw1.hwp 제출 기한 : 2023 - 09 - 27(